martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

Mapas Topográficos del Sahara Occidental a escala 1:200:000. Bir Lahlu

Después de un tiempo sin actualizar el blog, voy a intentar publicar los Mapas topográficos del Sahara Occidental a escala 1:200.000. Espero que sea de su interés.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello!

    If I understand well your intention, you think about adding more topographic maps of Western Sahara. I am very interested in such maps.

    I found your site by looking for "mapa topografica sahara occidental" with a search engine, but my Spanish language skills are not very good. Maybe you can add also "Mapas Topográficos del Sahara Occidental a escala 1:200:000" in other languages like French or English to make it easier to find your site for people who do not speak Spanish. Thanks so far for the map of Bir Lahlou which is new for me!

  2. Hello

    I have now read the complete blog and found more maps, topographic as well as the geological ones. I must say that I am not geologist and therefore the topografic maps are more helpful for me than the geological ones. Thanks Anyway!
